It’s hard to believe it has been ten years. I have been thinking over the last few days what I would write today; what significant and meaningful thing I could talk about to memorialized this day yet again. I was struck by the fact that there are several friends reading this who don’t really know my history, perhaps we’ve only become friends in the last year and you’ve never seen a post like this from me before, perhaps we’ve never really talked about how I got here. Maybe it’s time we did.
Ten years ago today, on this very day in 2014 I was a different person. I had been working in the nightclub industry for many years as a professional DJ, and I had made a lot of decisions in my life that were not actually giving me life; in fact, quite the opposite. I reached the end of my rope back then, my ‘bottom’ so to speak and didn’t know how to come back. I was struggling to not only find fulfillment in life, but moreover struggling to live at all. I was so ashamed of who I truly was that I lead a life full of lies and even had a hard time remembering which of them was the truth. I remember that day well, and the overwhelming lack of hope as I looked deeply into my own demise.
Thankfully, through the Grace of an amazing and loving God I was invited to a church that day, not for what was there, but moreover for what was *not* there. Perhaps it was a place that I could be safe for one more night and not have to deal with the temptations and fears that had filled so much of each thought.
I remember sitting in that church, the now famous and deeply loved Destiny Church and listening to what was to me ‘foreign’ music and thoughts that struck chords in me. I remember doubting the truth of so many of the statements, and really struggling to catch glimpses of hope amongst my own confusion, but one thing stood out to me, perhaps the simplest and most meaningful sermon a guy like me could hear: “God’s not mad at you. He loves you.”
I decided, reluctantly on that day to try ‘being a Christian’ and whatever that meant for a period of thirty days. I had no idea what that entailed, but what I had been doing was clearly not working… so maybe this was worth a try.
Thirty days became three months, which turned into six, and eventually a full year. It was amazing to see the progression of a life given to Christ. I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by amazing and loving people who truly invited me to be *me*, and while I didn’t always know what that meant, that was ok too. Yes, I was the guy in the church dropping f-bombs and off color jokes… but no one was bothered by that, they instead saw what God was doing *in* me and celebrated each step of the way.
It’s been TEN years since that day, a decade. In that time I have gained education, been sent overseas in missions, helped start multiple churches, and even been tested a few times. I have found difficult seasons when I had to truly evaluate my walk, and I have found glorious ones as well, where the floodgates of heaven really *did* pour out more than I could ever receive. What’s the take away? That my faith is not fragile… that God doesn’t let go, and that this journey is really about seeking truth and finding love, and ultimately helping others do the same.
It’s been ten years. TEN YEARS, and I have so much more to learn, to see, to grow into, and to do. Thankfully in this
year I have finally found my partner for the rest of these years in my lovely wife Christine, and we hope to have a family soon. My faith brought me here, it brought me to my job, to my wife, to my home, and to my church, and it will continue to lead me for eternity. It’s been ten years… can you believe it?
Thank you Jesus for saving me. Thank you for giving me a life far better than I ever could have dreamed. Thank you for giving me an adventure to live, and thank you for loving me.
And lastly to each of you… my friends and family for encouraging me along the way. Thanks for seeing my future long before I did, and thanks for helping me see it, walk toward it, and ultimately get there. There’s clearly more to come, but today I have to say thanks. Ten years. 30 days turned into TEN YEARS. What a ride!!!
Nice to know how you got where you are. God is so good! Congratulations. It is definitely a wonderful adventure.
Posted by: Rosyward | November 06, 2014 at 12:40 PM