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February 12, 2008



Cute picture. It does seem crazy how many people are sick, from friends, family, fellow church members, coworkers, and patients at my work. I have some symptoms of this stuff too, yet I know I'm healed. I would love to stay home however my boss is hardcore, plus I push myself too hard at times. My boss yelled at my coworker who called in and she was coughing so hard she couldn't talk. She dragged herself in a few days later, wearing a mask so she wouldn't infect others. She had walking Pnemonea. When I *informed* him I was going to the doctor in the middle of the day yet would be back right after, he was irritated, and cold. He does not believe adults get sick. Apparently short of being in ICU, he expects us to not only call in preferably the night before, but give him clinical information on each patient. Believe it or not, this is an improved version of him. God's been working on him and given me grace with him. That said, I may take Pastor Mike's wonderful sermon advice and pray my boss right into a promotion. :)

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